Numerical Analysis of Velocity Field in 1st Grade Clean Operating Room 某医院Ⅰ级手术室速度场数值模拟与分析
I also participate in the planning and organization of the campus "easy house" and "cultural workers accusing him of" activities such as field grade. 此外,我还参与策划和组织了校园“轻松小屋”以及“人文工大行”等校级活动。
The field grade scientific research foundation is one of the effective ways to improve the university scientific researchers 'qualities and to promote the scientific research and technical industrial development work. 高校校级科研基金是提高科研人员素质,推动科学研究与科技产业开发工作的有效途径之一。
A review in field test of SG grade gasoline engine oil performances at high-temperature and high-speed SG级汽油机油高温高速行车试验
Analysed the use. cases of bit in five block of Henan Oil Field and the influence of stratum drillability grade on the selection of bit types. 分析了河南油田五大区块的钻头使用情况和地层可钻性级值对钻头选型的影响。
Active human cardboard model was used as the teaching aid to compare and analyze the teaching effects in track and field and gymnastics teaching of 282 students in Grade 1 in three senior high schools in Wuhan. 用人体纸板活动模型为教具,对武汉市3所中学高(一)6个班共282名学生学习田径、体操等单项技术动作教学效果进行对比分析。
In nicardipine dosage and surgery field grade, group NE were significantly lower than group N ( P < 0.01). NE组术野质量评分和尼卡地平用量明显低于N组(P<0.01)。
Beginning from the effecting factors of high grade road roughness, this paper consulted many recent domestic and foreign texts and field observation data of high grade roughness and explore the transfer principle of road roughness and probability statistics. 本文查阅了国内外最新文献和高等级公路施工现场的观测资料,从影响高等级公路路面平整度的因素出发,揭示了路面平整度的传递规律及平整度的概率统计规律。
An Inverse Analysis Method of Inner Force Field Hypoelastic Parabola Beam of Grade Zero under Constant Velocity Field 定常速度场假定下零级次弹性抛物柱体内力场的逆解法分析
The pollution of extremely low frequency field in great power plants and distribution of electric field in transmission line with different voltage grade 大型发电厂工频电场污染及不同电压等级输电线电场分布的调查
Field Usage of Grade D Sucker Rods D级抽油杆现场使用
Temperature Field Simulation and Material Selection of Grade 60 kg/ m Heavy Rail Straightening Roller Casting During Quenching 试论举重运动员的选材60kg/m级重轨矫直辊淬冷温度场仿真与选材
Magnetic column with pulse vibrating magnetic field can improve the grade of iron concentrate greatly. 脉冲振动磁场磁选柱可较大幅度提高磁铁精矿品位。
The simulation of ground-water seepage field with higher hydraulic grade is difficult. 水力坡度较大的矿坑地下水渗流场的模拟一直是一个难点。
Chapter 1 gives major the summarization of overseas present situation of the research work in the field of fabric wrinkle grade assessment. 第一章重点概述了国内外有关织物平整度等级评定的研究现状。
Aiming at the easy development on the debris flow of the mostly valley, we can obtain the shape characteristic parameter of valley through the field investigation ( valley elevation difference, lengthwise grade slope, ditch length, drainage area and so on). 对容易发生泥石流灾害的主要沟谷,通过现场调查可以获取沟谷的形态特征参数(沟谷的高差、纵坡的坡度、沟长、流域面积等)。
A concept of grade field with CNM was introduced and correlative multi-agent model GF-CNM based on grade field was set up. Through random TOP-N algorithm, grade transition algorithm of each service agent in different grade field was depicted and analyzed. 在合同网当中引入等级域的概念,建立相应的基于等级域的多服务Agent模型GF-CNM,并采用随机TOP-N算法对等级域中不同等级的各个服务Agent的等级跃迁进行了算法描述和分析。
From the point of total function many-goals synthesis analysis, Hunan Province Ningxiang county paddy field plant mode 'average economic function grade is 0.213, average ecological function grade is 0.466, average social function grade is 0.421; 从总体功能评价分析的角度看,湖南省宁乡县水田的6种主要种植模式的平均经济功能评分是0.213,平均生态功能评分是0.466,平均社会功能评分是0.421;
The data density of the near field optical recording is mainly determined by near field electromagnetic distribution of probe fiber such as transmission efficiency, near field light spot size, polarization keeping and the grade of the electromagnetic field. 提高近场光存储的存储信息密度的关键主要在于掌握近场存储光纤探针的透光率、近场光斑直径尺寸以及场梯度等近场物理量。
Liquid Crystal Display ( LCD) is applied more and more widely, especially in the field of top grade electronics and communication devices. 液晶显示器件(LCD)的应用范围不断扩大,尤其是在高档电子、通信领域的应用已成为流行的趋势。
Adopting educational experiment methods, this paper studied the effects of Guidance-finding Model in track and field technique teaching in Grade 98 of East China University of Communications. 主要运用教育学实验方法,对指导发现教学模式在华东交通大学98级田径普修技术教学中的应用效果进行实证性研究。
The paper analyses the distribution regulation of air cushion field press and press grade in convex curve and concave curve of air cushion belt conveyor and discusses the curve radial R1 and the effect of belt tension on air cushion field major factors. 本文分析了气垫带式输送机在凸凹弧段运行时,气垫场的压力、压力梯度的分布规律,并讨论了凸凹弧段曲率半径R1,胶带张力对气垫场主参数的影响。
The magnetic separation column is a new type of magnetic separaters made by Anshan Institute of Iron& Steel Technology. It can provide a low intensity alternating magnetic field and effectively raise the concentrate grade of roasted magnetite. 磁选柱是鞍山钢铁学院研制出的一种新型磁选设备,可产生交变弱磁场,能有效提高焙烧磁铁矿的精矿品位。
The result shows: The current competition medals and scores display being divided situation and the competition pattern of Asian field circles are unbalanced, distinct 4 group grade structure characteristic. 结果表明:本届比赛奖牌、得分成分流态势,亚洲田坛竞争格局并不均衡,呈鲜明的4类集团等级(金字塔)结构特征。
There are three types of semantic fields can be extracted from these core orientation words: spatial orientation field, temporal orientation field, order and grade orientation field. 首先指出这14个核心方位词组成的语义场分三类:空间方位语义场、时间方位语义场和顺序等级方位语义场。
6, Changchun healthy body healthy club must raise the market internal management level and in the field hall grade of service. 长春市体育健身俱乐部要提高行业内部管理水平和场馆内的服务质量。
Combining with the current situation of the field investigation, and basing on the second grade border, we assign the polluted area to be the early warning district of soil heavy metal pollution. 结合野外实地调查现状,以二级边界为基础,将污染区域划为土壤重金属污染预警区。
Finally, field application of grade instrument is summarized to improve and upgrade for the instrument, so that adaptability to field is improved. 最后,对品位仪的现场应用情况进行总结,针对仪表存在的问题进行完善和升级,提高品位仪适应现场的能力。
Precise potentiometer is a feedback component used in servo mechanism of aerospace field, and its performance determines the accuracy grade of control system. 精密电位计是航空航天领域伺服系统的核心元件之一,作为伺服机构用的反馈元件,其性能指标的好坏直接决定了控制系统精度的高低。
Theme of this paper is how to effectively implement vocational college level management, the establishment of two management system and operational mechanism, give full play to field grade, two levels of the department in the administration, teaching management and other issues. 本文的研究主题在于高职院校如何有效实施二级管理,建立二级管理体制和运行机制,充分发挥校级、系级两个层级的行政、教学管理功能等问题。